School Uniform

The school uniform consists of:

Navy jumper/sweater (with school crest attached)

White shirt / polo t-shirt

Grey pants/pinafore/ skirt.

School Crests are compulsory and can be bought from the school or Parents’ Association.
The uniform must be worn to school every day. If the correct uniform is not worn to school, children will not be allowed on the soccer pitches or do jobs around the school.
Navy tracksuit with school crest and runners are compulsory for PE lessons.
Pupils are not allowed to wear jewellery in school. Studs earrings only may be worn.

Partnership Schools Ireland

Seesaw Guide

If you're looking for assistance using the Seesaw App we've put together some steps to help parents.

To find out more, or to give a useful video of how to use the app, click on the link below:

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To get in touch see our contact details below, or visit the contact page Be sure to also add us on Facebook.

  • Tel: 053 942 5540

2022 Riverchapel National School